The real name of this temple is Buddhajayamahanat( Wellington Cambodian Buddhist Temple)
8-12 Dart Crescent
Island Bay
New Zealand
Phone 00644-383-6854
Wellington Cambodian Buddhist Temple was built in 1984 by Cambodian people. It is the first Khmer temple ever built in New Zealand. Venerable Suthep Surapong was the only monk who help to build this temple. He is the Abbot of this temple. He was exiled to Thailand by the genocide in Cambodia from 1975 to 1979. He went to help Khmer refugees in refugee camps along Thai border. After Khmer immigrants have settled in New Zealand, They sponsored him to come into New Zealand as their religious prosperity. Since this temple has built Khmer people have preserved their culture, tradition and history as one nation in the world.
I am one of members in this temple who sponsored by the Venerable Suthep Surapong, would like to express my sincere to those khmer people who put all effort to support this temple. Without your support Wellington Khmer Temple would not have in New Zealand. Also all Cambodian people especially elders would not have a place to do their merit and meet each other. They also would lose their their happiness in daylife. Young Cambodain would not know their own culture and they would not know what their acestors' belief was.
I wish all Khmer meet a real happiness in the present and in the future. Also I wish this Cambodian temple stay for hundred years for a goodness of people in the world.
I wish all human succeed their wishes and I wish the world be a safe and peaceful place for our all creatures to live.
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Hi there, I was wondering if I could get a direct email to talk to someone about setting up a meeting and visiting?
Thanks, Chloe
Hello Choloe
Thank you for your message. Here is an email for you to send to Thank you. Yarang
Thank you for putting our page into your blogspot. With metta.
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